Lunar Lander Trajectory Simulation
NASA Johnson Space Center (Spring 2020, Pathways Program)
For my second Pathways tour, I worked with the COMPASS (Core Operations, Mission Planning and Analysis Spacecraft Simulation) software team in collaboration with the JPL DARTS Laboratory. This group helps develop safety-critical software for flight operations analysis in the ascent and EDL (entry, descent and landing) flight regimes and was selected for 2020 Software of the Year at Johnson Space Center.
My primary task was to develop, analyze, test and SVN deploy a lunar lander ascent-phase simulation from scratch to support HLS (Human Landing System) development for the Artemis program, complete with the following features:
- A custom LTG (linear tangent guidance) steering law to orbital insertion
- High-fidelity sensor/actuator models and spatial frame management
- Accurate vehicle mass characteristics and propulsion configuration
- New tools for orbital insertion and propagation simulation and analysis
Furthermore, I assisted with development of custom graphics and visualization libraries suited for the software limitations that the COMPASS team had to deal with. As a side task, I also helped develop an IIP (instantaneous impact point) trajectory propagation tool to support vehicle ascent analysis for the FDO flight control team.